Amigos, tenho um disjuntor ZigBee que só funciona, com conversor externo, até a versão 1.36.
Qualquer upgrade que eu faça o disjuntor não é reconhecido e o conversor externo que já uso não serve mais.
[11:11:23] INFO: Starting Zigbee2MQTT…
Starting Zigbee2MQTT without watchdog.
[2024-12-26 11:11:25] error: z2m: Failed to load external converter file ‘_TZE204_davzgqq0.js’ (Cannot find module ‘zigbee-herdsman-converters/lib/extend’
Require stack:
[2024-12-26 11:11:25] error: z2m: Probably there is a syntax error in the file or the external converter is not compatible with the current Zigbee2MQTT version
[2024-12-26 11:11:25] error: z2m: Note that external converters are not meant for long term usage, it’s meant for local testing after which a pull request should be created to add out-of-the-box support for the device
[2024-12-26 11:11:25] error: z2m: Failed to load external converter file ‘ts0601.js’ (Cannot find module ‘zigbee-herdsman-converters/lib/extend’
Require stack:
[2024-12-26 11:11:25] error: z2m: Probably there is a syntax error in the file or the external converter is not compatible with the current Zigbee2MQTT version
[2024-12-26 11:11:25] error: z2m: Note that external converters are not meant for long term usage, it’s meant for local testing after which a pull request should be created to add out-of-the-box support for the device